Social Media

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Build an Effective Social Media Plan in 5 Simple Steps

It's essential to review your social media plan at regular intervals to fine-tune it according to the changing customer expectations.

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How to Find and Hire Social Media Influencers

The growth of social media over the last decade has not only empowered users to...

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Customer Support: How to Deal with an Angry User?

Dealing with angry customers may seem complicated, but there are things you can do to help alleviate and resolve the situation.

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Social Selling Guide: How to Generate Sales on Social Media

Say goodbye to cold calling and hello to social selling. Here's everything you need to know about this powerful and personal approach to sales.

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5 Qualities That Make a Great Community Manager

So, what on earth makes a community manager you ask? Well, there are several ways...

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12 Good & Bad Social Media Crisis Management Examples

All companies should be prepared and ready to deal with possible PR crises, because they...

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Social Media Trends to Drive Your Strategies in 2019

Year by year, tech gurus never fail to innovate social media platforms that we have...

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How to Build a Community and Thrive on Instagram

If you or your business are not on Instagram, what kind of rock have you...

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Why You Should Care About Instagram Stories

Have you ever wondered what all the fuss is about when it comes to Instagram...

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The Evolution of Social Media: Imitation vs Innovation

  There is no denying it – internet and social media have completely infiltrated our...